The Supply of Organic Mushrooms

In nature mushrooms grow organically. In fact, mycelium, the fungi responsible for producing mushrooms has a number of natural applications as pesticides and herbicides. After decades of producing poisonous substances that not only destroyed soils and cropping lands, but killed millions of farmers in the process, science is finally investigating natural ways of controlling weeds and pests using mycelium.

The use of these newly discovered substances has vastly improved the health of honey bee populations, seen us develop new ways of controlling termites, fire ants and carpenter ants, as well as helping to understand how chemicals like ammonium nitrates destroy mycelium connections between cropped plants, which eventually kills the transfer of nutrients required to ensure individual and future crops have optimum chances for survival.

We will present a detailed look into mycelium and its properties, uses, growth patterns and importance to so much life on Earth, including our own.

1 Comment
  • by Cindy Jefferson Posted 7 July 2016 10:21

    Lovely fresh mushroom produce, top quality tinctures and awesome customer support.

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