Mushroom farming is not an easy task and These are the most important aspects of mushroom farming. If this aspect is wrong or off, the crops will fail!
We use a fifty-fifty mix of hardwood sawdust and soy hulls to produce what we consider to be optimal growing substrate. Balancing the mixture is vital to ensure we do not have too much Soy Hull additive as it cancan make your substrate too nutrient-rich, which increases the risk of contamination or deformed mushrooms. However, using too little could affect the expected yield due to malnutrition or over saturation of water when mixed.
While the balancing is essential and sometimes a little bit tricky, different strains like slightly different mixtures, once we find a mixture that works, we constantly monitor and test it to see if longer-term performance will be viable. As we develop our business into more complex growing systems, we will revise and improve our methodologies to ensure our produce is of the highest quality and best value to our customers.